That awful doubt.



You know that doubt in a relationship you start to have when you feel something is missing. You start remembering the old days. The long useless talks and the childhood stories you shared are no longer there. You want to talk more but something is eating you up. Deep down your soul, you know you love him and the way he made you feel is still making you believe that he loves you. But the calls are not there anymore. How you used to talk on the phone for hours. You used to text when you felt like. Now you think over a thousand times to text him because you think you might seem a bit desperate. You already know he is the one you want to grow old with but that awful doubt is still there. You want to talk to him about it but you’re afraid. Afraid of what it may lead to. You want to keep it going but at the same time you want to let go. You are confused. You are wandering. Your heart and mind are clashing. You want to speak but you can’t. You are silent to hide your doubts and remain cool. You want this to get better and the hope is getting weaker with every day you spend.

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